Our features and tool

Steps to board on Ethniv in a hassle-free way


  • Ecommerce (Retail and Wholesale):
    Essentially, ecommerce (or electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods (or services) on the internet. From mobile shopping to online payment encryption and beyond, ecommerce encompasses a wide variety of data, systems, and tools for both online buyers and sellers. Most businesses with an ecommerce presence use an ecommerce store and/or an ecommerce platform to conduct both online marketing and sales activities and to oversee logistics and fulfillment. At ethniv we are provide a mix of ecommerce solutions that meets both our suppliers and consumers where they are: B2B: Business to Business Ecommerce, B2C: Business to Consumer Ecommerce, C2C Ecommerce, C2B: Consumer to Business Ecommerce, Government / Public Administration Ecommerce, and several revenue models including Subscription and White Labelling
  • Order Management System:
    An order management system tracks sales, orders, inventory, and fulfillment. It also enables the people, processes, and partnerships necessary for products to make their way to customers. An effective OMS provides one centralized place to manage orders from all sales channels.
  • Purchase Management:
    Purchase Management refers to sourcing of goods & services from different suppliers. The Purchase Management extension allows you to manage suppliers, quotations, purchase orders, and incoming shipments. You can add suppliers to a product, specifying each supplier's price & order quantity. A draft purchase order is created when any product goes out of stock. After receiving the incoming shipments and the inventories becomes updated. You can also receive partial shipments too.
  • Logistics Management:
    Activities typically include inbound and outbound transportation management, fleet management, warehousing, materials handling, order fulfillment, logistics network design, inventory control, supply/demand planning and management of third-party logistics services providers.
  • Customer Engagement (CE):
    With the CE module, businesses can manage their client-facing operations, such as sales, marketing and customer service. Employees can track sales prospects and customer pipelines. Users can also manage marketing tasks, including advertising and lead generation campaigns.
  • Inventory Management (Multiply Branch Management with Data Sync) :
    Using the inventory management module, businesses can monitor materials and supplies through inventory control, purchase orders, automatic ordering and inventory scanning.
  • Business Intelligence (Analysis and Reporting) :
    A business intelligence module collects and analyzes data from multiple sources and helps users make better business decisions. Some features include customizable dashboards and visualization tools, ad-hoc and scheduled reporting, and real-time data access.
  • Point of Sales:
    Ethniv recognizes that small businesses need a point of sale is they are to efficiently serve their community of customers. Because of our understand of the unique requirements of businesses in the development spaces we are able to tailor build and implement a POS solution that fit your requirements. specifically tailored to their unique businesses. Our POS will become the linchpin in our ecommerce eco-system, seamlessly integrating with our CRM, IMS, Order Management, Purchase management, etc.
  • Manufacturing (Soon To Be Released):
    Manufacturers and other production-oriented facilities can use the manufacturing module to manage their shop floors, looking at elements such as work orders, bill of materials, quality control, engineering, manufacturing process and planning, and product lifecycle management.
  • Human Resources (Soon To Be Released):
    The human resources module helps organizations manage their hiring cycles from recruitment to succession. Companies can take advantage of the following features: applicant tracking, payroll, time and attendance, performance management and learning management.
  • Supply Chain (Soon To Be Released):
    The supply chain module tracks products from manufacturing to warehouse to distributors to customers. Features include, supplier scheduling, purchasing, inventory, claim processing, shipping, tracking and product returns.
  • Accounting And Finance (Soon To Be Released):
    The accounting and finance module tracks the company’s finances, including budget and expense planning, core accounting, revenue management and tax management.

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  • Clear Documentation
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  • Amazingly Simple Use
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  • Clear Documentation
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  • Flexible user interface
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